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KS3 - History

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Studying history at Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar will encourage your analytical thinking and develop your sense of curiosity.

Year Group
Areas of Study
Unit 1: What are the key skills that make a great History detective?
Unit 2: What was life like in England before 1066?
Unit 3: Was William the Conqueror’s victory at Hastings due to his good luck or Harold Godwin’s poor preparation?
Unit 4: Religion, Rats and Revolt: What was life like in the Middle Ages?
Unit 5: A History Mystery – Who killed the Princes in the Tower?
Unit 6: Anthropology and Archaeology: How can we use artefacts to explore the rise and fall of the Incas?
Unit 1: What was King Henry VIII’s ‘Great Matter’?
Unit 2: Gunpowder, Treason and Plot: Which interpretation is most accurate about the events of 1605?
Unit 3: How did parliament take power from the monarchy?
Unit 4: ‘Do you hear the people sing?’: Why did the people of France abolish their King?
Unit 5: ‘Am I not a man and brother’? What were the most important facilitators of the abolition movements in Britain and America?
Unit 6: The Fight for our Rights: How and why did the fight for suffrage expand between 1832 and 1968?
Unit 1: Was the downfall of the Qing Dynasty inevitable?
Unit 2: What were the causes of the First World War?
Unit 3: Is the ‘Lions led by Donkeys’ theory an accurate interpretation of the First World War?
Unit 4: Why was there a campaign for Woman’s Suffrage and what did it achieve?
Unit 5: The Russian Revolution: What happened to the Romanovs and how do we know?  
